Monday, February 21, 2011


Mosque of Sirathal Mustaqiem taken from the middle of Mahakam River. This historic mosque visible differences between the homes residents.

Samarinda listed as a historic mosque city that has a rich repertoire of the Islamic past. Edge City also has Islamic Centre, magnificent mosques in the city, which symbolizes the modernization of Islam.

In Samarinda Seberang, still sturdy stand Masjd Sirathal Mustaqiem. The mosque is a historical record of Islam in Samarinda. In 2003, the mosque with a single tower was a winner of the 2nd in the Festival of historic mosques in Indonesia. The story of a journey, manifested in the design of the building relics of the past. Material is still dominated by wooden mosque.

Historic mosque that was founded in 1881 by Prince Abdulrahman bin Treasurer aka Sayid Sayid Muhammad Assegaf together traditional leaders and residents at the time. The names listed participated in the historic mosque in between, Kapitan Jaya, Petta, Loloncong, and USU Lonna. They then donate building materials for the 4 main pillars (pillars) mosque. Ulin Wood Mount Dondang, Samboja, from Prince Treasurer. Ulin trees Loa Haur, Mount Centipede, from Kapitan Jaya. Tree Mount Salo Tireng Ulin, and Coral Tree Ulin Sungkai from Petta Loloncong.

Different impression will be felt if the other corner of Samarinda. On the main road, Slamet Riyadi, majestic stands Mosque of Islamic Centre. Anyone who come to the mosque that overlooks the Mahakam River, must told one word, magnificent, and implied an attitude; spellbound.

The mosque that has not had an official name, it is still familiarly known by the Islamic Centre. Was mentioned most magnificent and the second largest in Southeast Asia after Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta. The main building has a spacious 43,500 square meters. This mosque has seven towers, with 99-meter-high main tower, meaningful Asmaul Husna (the names of God).

Not only as a place of prostration, of course. Various religious activities held at the neighborhood mosque. The mosque has a kindergarten facilities, radio propaganda, clinics, dormitories, libraries, classrooms, and auditorium. Some facilities are already in enable, and others again still in the stage of completion tools and is still in test phase. The plan in April 2011, when all is finished the name Islamic Centre will be inaugurated.



Unknown on 21 February 2011 at 17:30 said...

woaa.jauh beza.

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