Sunday, April 15, 2012


In Development Planning Consultation activity (Musrenbang) East Kalimantan Province which led directly at Lamin Etam Kalimantan Governor recently Mayor of Samarinda, Syaharie Jaang deliver development programs.
There are six focus areas of development in 2013 for the city of Samarinda, namely:

1. Construction of Mahkota bridge II.
2. Fly Over Otista (Jl-Jl Otto Iskandardinata Awang Long)
3. Fly Over Black Water (A-Heathrow-Wahab Syahrani Kadrie Oening)
4. Arrangement in the former city parks and SMAN 1 SMP 1.
5. Construction of flood control water gate.
6. Arrangement of the front edge of the governor's office.

Then the mayor expressed: there are 29 action plans the city administration. 29 plan, the relocation of public housing Mumus Sungai Karang, Semenisasi alleys throughout the City, Revitalization and Development Office of the Government, the City Improvement Incentive RT se, increase the sharing of direct aid from the budget of PNPM-P2KP City, Rehab / elementary school building from wood becomes permanent, Teacher Incentives Improvement District and Private Water Supply Distribution Service Improvement.


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