Saturday, March 24, 2012


Almost all the drainage in the City Edge experiencing sedimentation. Cause many of the maturation of a coal company land and housing developers do not care for the environment. As a result the trenches is the capital of East Kalimantan filled with mud.

Head of Environmental Damage Control and Conservation of Natural Resources, the Environment Agency (BLH) Samarinda, Effendy Tumar admitted, the cause of drainage in Samarinda filled with mud because the coal companies and housing developers do not pay attention to environmental impact assessment (EIA).

Even so, now entrepreneur or anyone who is finalizing the land must have permission of Licensing Services Agency Integrated One (BPPTS) Samarinda. This is according to the instructions Syaharie Jaang Samarinda Mayor.

If during the time of suspension that the company did not also improve the environmental management of appropriate environmental impact analysis. Even so, BLH only authorized oversee and recommend it. While the prosecution was aided municipal authority BPPTS PP.

Previously, Head of Flood Control and Water Resources Department of Highways (DBMP) Ari Hermawanto call, almost the entire drainage in the City Edge experiencing sedimentation. That is what motivates local government to buy vacuum mud. Moreover assessed expenses per year less than handed over to a third party to dredge a shallow drainage

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


FIRE re-occur in Samarinda, Tuesday (13/3). At least 11 homes and two motorcycles on RT 33 Sam Ratulangi street, Sungai Keledang Village, Samarinda Seberang, vanished in the flames devoured. The information gathered, a fire broke out at 13.30 pm.

Several witnesses said, the first fire from one female dorm room. Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPPD) Samarinda: Dadang Airlangga said it deployed 12 fire engines. Total loss was inventoried. At least 200 people, mostly homeless students. Separately, police chief Samarinda Seberang Commissioner Ade Permana said, while the alleged cause of the fire from electrical short circuit in one room in the White Kos. Residents of the fire loss is estimated at IDR 1.2 billion.

For information, this fire occurred less than a week of fires in Gastric Mangkurat RT 85 Jalan Sungai Pinang in the Village which destroyed six homes.


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