Sunday, December 18, 2011


Citra Niaga shopping complex area is the best area in the region Samarinda to the era of the 1980s. Area shopping centers and souvenirs typical of East Kalimantan's become a tourist area that is always the main attraction for tourists visiting the city of Samarinda. But prestige is declining since the start of the founding of modern malls and shopping centers are more and more in the city of Samarinda. Even the last few years this area Citra Niaga shopping complex.

For this reason, Samarinda City Government plans to restructure the region CitraNiaga become more modern areas. Percentage of plan arrangement Citra Niaga Samarinda area is still an early stage. In addition to design, there are plenty of things to get clarity and should be done for smooth arrangement of Commerce to the next image.

City government offers to third parties to organize and manage the region since 2012. About the patterns of cooperation with the contractor and the amount of funds that will be issued Samarinda City Government for the new image of Commerce could not be determined because everything is still discussed. Currently, there are three investors who had seen the presentation of a new arrangement of images, among others: Trimitra and Commerce Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) in East Java.


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